Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Keeping The Year Of The Wheel Turning.

As I Druid I mark the changing seasons in my own quiet, lowkey way. Sometimes I decorate my altar...sometimes I just leave Percy the gargoyle propped up on it in various states of inebriation. This was him looking decidedly "grotesque" [geddit!!! groan] after he had imbibed far too much of my Christmas Pudding vodka.

However, decorated or undecorated this latest edition to GBT courtesy of a very generous and naughty husband will allow me to still move round the wheel of the year. The back of the plaque has a series of hooks on so I can rehang the current season at the top. If you like it he bought it from Hedingham Fair - the photo will enlarge if you double click it and want to take a closer gander.



  1. I love and covet it! How good would that look on my mad wall!xx

  2. You can pop over and covet the picture anytime...that way you'll be able to still get your bathroom done!!

  3. I love the idea of celebrating the seasons. No exclusion of any religions or non religious, no supposed traditions that have to be followed because the season sets it's own agenda each year. I'm inspired to make 2016 the year of the seasons. albeit simple celebrations that include star gazing, new walking paths, and picnics. Thanks for sharing your perspective Aril!

  4. Thanks Sam- I think it's good to remember that we are a part of nature not separate as we tend to think.


A Quite Interesting Monday

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