Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The Early Bird Catches The Worm?

....But for me it was more a case of the grumpy old bird goes shopping ridiculously early as she has no desire to waste her free time standing to nose to tail with her fellow humans on a bank holiday if she doesn't need to. The sunrise seen from the Tesco carpark at some god forsaken unearthly hour [actually 7.30 just as I was loading the car but it doesn't make such a hefty yarn if I don't exaggerate the facts now does it and this is la la Blogland afterall!]. I needed a Nana nap later to recover my energy levels!!!



  1. Can't bear shopping at the best of time, sales are to be avoided at all costs (as is shopping generally! - but I may have already hinted at that...)

  2. Haven't been near the sales....find it hard to resist a rummage in a charity shop when I'm passing from time to time. Find all sorts of goodies that way but then that's recycling isn't it!


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...