Friday 6 October 2017

Beautiful day

A couple of days before we dropped TYM off at uni [he's made lots of friends and is having a ball btw....the word on the street is that he might have even picked up a pen and done some work this week!] he shouted that there was a rainbow at the back of GBT. Like the rainbow itself. that moment was transitory, but I shall treasure the memory of it. I just about managed to get a photo before it disappeared.

If we're talking all things beautiful please allow me to leave you with this song "Beautiful Day" by The Levellers. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.



  1. What a great photo!,I love rainbows.Im like a child when i see one,wanting to show it to everyone indoors.Its cheered me up just looking at your pic!Glad to hear that your boy has settled in.How ever old they are,we never stop worrying about them do we..My daughters 40 and i still go to hold her hand when we cross the road,lol.Hope you and your Family have a great weekend too,Debi,xx

    1. Mr GBT and I have got used to him being away. I do miss chatting to him, but knowing he's fine means I can relax.

  2. Mine is into his second year - only by one week - and the first three days were spent on the side of a hill (sounded like bliss) until you factor in the weather and the need to collect data the good old fashioned way of pen and paper..... by all accounts each evening was spent carefully unrolling and drying out pieces of 'papier-mâché' notes and transcribing them into something more acceptable. After issuing some sympathetic soothing mother-tones the reply was that the whole experience was brilliant! (young skin is obviously more waterproof!!)

    1. Yes they're pretty tough aren't they although TYM has a dose of Freshers Flu at the mo. He's a Geographer [mainly human but will be doing physical this year too] and with his many years of Scouting he's well used to rain and the like!

  3. Good weekend, like the song, afraid I got too political this morning, which is always a downer ;)

    1. I get so cross about politics that I leave it off the blog as once I start ranting there'll be no stopping me. I've seen toddlers exhibit more grown up behaviour! Have a lovely weekend Thelma.


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...