Monday 23 October 2017

Bedtime Battles.

Humphrey keeps, what I would term, teenage hours....he's asleep all day and out on the razz all night. By about 8am he's ready to settle down for his daytime snooze on one of our beds. Generally as a rule that fits in fine with my routine....

When it comes to changing the bed linen he doesn't see why anything should change and that's when the battlelines are drawn. I turf him off the bed, turn round to pick up the clean item in which time he's whipped back on and is sitting tight in his original position. We repeat this scenario several times over except yesterday, after going through several bouts, I'd had enough so I left him on the sheet and pulled the duvet cover over him [not his head]....."that'll learn yer you little s*d" I thought triumphantly imagining that he would shift his plump rump. As you can see though the victory was not mine.

I have retired to lick my war wounds and prepare myself for the next round.



  1. Lol!!,Ive never thought of it as teenage hours...but you are so right!.And i love your so reminds me of one of my fur babies.She likes getting involved when im changing the sheets and makes a 10 min.job into an hour,lol.A couple of years before i had the cats,Ive got 5,I used all my Christmas gift money from my parents and bought white cotton bedding for all 3 bedrooms.....not one of my best ideas,when you end up with 20 wet paws marching all over them!I now stick to dark colours,lol.Hope your having a good day!,Debi,x

    1. Your post made me smile Debi! I know who's in charge here and it's certainly not me!

  2. Stephen Squirrel's exactly the same...little bugger!

    1. They are such devils aren't they, but then I'm one big soft touch. Humphrey's such a loving feline I forgive him very easily!

  3. Replies
    1. Yup that's about the long and short of it!


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...