Monday, 23 March 2020

Can't moan about Mahonia

Up until last week I had no idea what this yellow flower was called let alone that it smells divine. You know how these things go...find out on Tuesday walk past one en route to the dentist with Mr GBT on Wednesday. Whip out my new phone whilst importantly announcing this is a Mahonia. Naughty wifey omitted to tell him exactly how long she'd known for. With my scatty memory chances are that I will have forgotten again by next week anyway! We stopped for the obligatory whiffle. Just a little moment of joy during difficult times. It was good to see the new growth on the tree round the corner too....they look like little fireworks at the moment.

Due to circumstances blog content will be more humdrum and home based I suspect for the time being. However, I promise that I shall endeavour to keep it a happy's important for me to keep it as a personal tonic as much as anything.



  1. I don't mind humdrum...... I'm slowlu gtting back into blogging and my blog has always been humdrum!

    Julie xxxxx

    1. I always enjoy the content of your blog Julie!

  2. The Bees love Mahonia, it gives then some early food, it has black berries later on that the small birds love, so a jolly useful plant. Sarah in Dorset.

    1. Gosh thanks for telling me that....we're trying to improve the quality of the planting for the wildlife in our garden so that might be another one to get in. Arilx

  3. Is the perfume a bit like lily of the valley? We had a mahonia at my last house and I know it had a beautiful smell but cannot quite remember what it was like. I had lovely flowers yesterday from my daughter but unfortunately no scent at all. Still, they were beautiful. Life will be very humdrum for the foreseeable future but keeping in touch is lovely.

    1. It's quite sweet so yes I think so. How lovely you were bought flowers. My son got me a hilarious card which is very much his and my humour. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...