Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Grunt Work

Grunt work....you know those jobs you put off because you loathe doing them. Two of my pet hates are cleaning the oven properly [the stove top is kept very clean] and weeding. However, seeing as I have no underling to delegate them to I've just had to be a Big Girl and get on with them.

Despite the lower temperatures on Saturday it was still sunny in the back garden so harrumphing and moaning to myself I rummaged around in the garage to find the necessary kit to make this happen. As is often the way it took under an hour and there has been an upside to all this. Whilst sorting out the borders I came across two patches of wild violets in bloom which didn't show up before and after I'd finished I rewarded myself with this tiny posy of blooms.

In a bid to encourage as much wildlife into our garden we don't use chemicals and we deliberately don't keep it too neat. It was a joy to have a wren dibbling about in the raised bed Mr GBT had cleared and planted up with carrot seeds and our first goldfinch on the feeder. Yesterday morning I spotted two very furtive starlings checking that the coast was clear....they were gathering dried up stalks for nesting material which had lain hidden under the weeds I'd cleared.

Talking all things oven related now I have paid a man these past few years to come in and clean my cooker. Last year though he had really hiked up his prices and had rather gone off the boil. I'd already decided to use somebody new but hadn't got any further with it. I made the wise decision to lay foil on the oven floor as soon as it was done before which saved me a lot of work this time round. A combination of Astonish paste which I already had, a metal scourer, hot water, a pot of elbow grease and my new oven cleaning scraper [the handle had come off the fish slice and we had failed to mend it despite trying].....

And I now have this....not bad for a 32 year old model plus I've not forked out over £100 either.

I am now like Smaug guarding his hoard and will never allow anyone to cook in it again!!



  1. Yes me too! I hate clean ovens and weeding! I've come to the conclusion its someone's idea we've all got to have immaculate houses and gardens and ovens!

    Julie xxxxx

    1. I really enjoy cleaning and tidying, but these two just make me cross. Actually weeding makes me the crossest because you know it will all be back the minute you've turned away! Arilx

    2. Do what I do (and probably most people) pretend the weeds are someone you don't like! *Off with their heads! - Lewis Carroll*

  2. We've always been a bit obsessed with the bird life in our garden, I don't have a clue what most of them are (typical townie) but we always feed them and they've certainly got a lot of wilderness to forage in. We made sure that we'd stocked up on tasty treats for them before lockdown, they're part of the family.It's such a pleasure to watch them going about their business.
    Cracking job with the oven and money well saved. We've never cleaned ours! x

    1. I only learnt what some of the birds are by those who visit regularly....we thought a starling was a mistle thrush when we first started out....Arilx

  3. Oh my-you hit the nail on the head with two of my most despised tasks as well. I'd rather mow things down than weed!

    1. No mowing here....no grass anymore!

  4. Although not old enough to remember ice-boxes, I do recall the seasonal maintenance required to keep my parents' venerable 'fridge operational. (This is not to be confused with the more frequent need to defrost the little freezer box.) Mother would say in her special mark-these-words voice: "Never pull out the 'fridge unless you're prepared to deal with it!" The linoleum floor would be covered with newspaper. Buckets of Pinesol disinfectant cleaner and rinse water would placed in readiness alongside mops and enormous brushes. A pan held steel wool balls for the "tough spots". Mum would don a scarf, an apron and long yellow rubber gloves. And then Dad would be instructed to roll the 'fridge from the wall...to reveal dust, grime, pencil stubs, coins and the cat's secret stash of bottle caps. * Ah, Pinesol! Just bought a bottle of the stuff and the smell of it brings back memories!

    1. Thankfully I can't pull out the fridge as it will tear the lino...I dread to think what's lurking! Arilx

  5. Weeding I am fine with, in fact I enjoy it, however cleaning the oven and the bathroom must rate as my most hated chores! EVER! We'll done on the stove cleaning front.

    1. Now I love to make a bathroom gleam...just as well as have to many a week when I'm working! Arilx


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