Friday 26 June 2020

The Love Cats

A rather different version of The Cure's famous track by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. I loved the original and am quite taken with this version too!



  1. What a joyful noise to begin this sunny day! Thank you, dear Aril, for introducing me to this group: I've subscribed to their channel and so added them to my special folder "Antidotes for the Plague".
    May I offer in turn any YouTube performance of Rossini's Cat Duet ("Duetto buffo di due gatti.") which features name sopranos. The bigger the name, the more fun they seem to have. And for those with dreams bigger than their shower stall, there is a karaoke option:

  2. Thanks for the recommendation...I shall take a look! Arilx


Getting up to mischief

Isn't it a tad frustrating when you see something you think you'd really enjoy and you can't manage it for a multitude of reason...