Friday, 26 February 2021

The perils of walking alone [tongue in cheek]

 Imagine my surprise when I spotted this on one of my recent pavement stomps.....hidden in plain sight, but clear for all those "in the know" to see.....

Our town's very own Whomping Willow. I gingerly tiptoed past for I had now wish to invoke its ire....from memory things didn't turn out terribly well for the little Ford Anglia in HP and the Chamber of Secrets......

Have a good weekend!



  1. I remember the family car was a blue Ford Anglia when I was very little . . . it never flew though 😟

    Gorgeous tree. x

    1. I have a very soft spot for them. We had a Ford Cortina. No where near as classy! Arilx

  2. I really love bare trees silhouetted against a gray sky. I don't know why but they always stop me in my tracks. I love the picture.

    1. Thank you Debby. It was a very dull day, so I haven't done much to change anything. It was as seen. Arilx

  3. Definitely a willow of the whomping sub-species... Notice the absence of feathered fliers.

    1. It was a cold grey day with rain threatening. I think the birds were probably sheltering elsewhere. Arilx


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