Common Quaker
The life and adventures of a mildly dotty old bird.
Friday, 30 April 2021
April Moths
Thursday, 29 April 2021
This is St Peter's in Hascombe and looks for all the world like a 13th century church. However, looks can be deceiving. There has indeed been a church on this site since that time, but it had fallen into such a state of disrepair by 1862 that the decision was taken to knock it down and rebuild this one by Henry Woodyer in a nod to the same period in 1864. It's built from the locally quarried Bargate stone.
I hadn't planned to stop, but as went past much to my amazement I noticed it was open...such is the novelty of this that I didn't need to be asked twice. Had you told me beforehand that it was going to be a Victorian/high church combo I'd have definitely not bothered.....fortunately I didn't know that at the time so was completely unprepared for what awaited me.........
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
A Surrey Saunter
Mr GBT works very hard both within his business and at home, so I like to try and organise a little venture out somewhere over the weekend to make sure he gets a break. There's a lot of wisdom in a change is as good as a rest. Wanting to see the stone circle provided the inspiration for the walk we did around the small village of Hascombe and up above it in the Surrey Hills.
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Monday, 26 April 2021
On 1st April 2003
A date from so many years ago might seem like a funny thing to use as a blog post title. I don't recall what happened during the daytime except I was pretty fed up by the late afternoon [probably tired with looking after an energetic little boy] and my friend WW's car had broken down. At that time I was a member of a now defunct group called Positive Living which used to have monthly speakers on a variety of spiritual topics. That month it was by a stonecircle builder and frankly I thought I'd probably give it a miss as I had visions of a slide show of naff things this chap would have made for your garden. At the last minute WW and I had a change of heart and decided to go. Arriving there to be met by a bloke in a purple cloak with a dog and long grey hair surrounded by crystals didn't do much to change my mind.
Then this chap spoke and I was mesmerised from the word go. In front of me was a person who managed to be erudite, charming, magical yet refreshingly grounded, funny and real. His name was Ivan Macbeth and he was indeed a stone circle builder [amongst many other things], but full sized ones including the one at Worthy Farm where they hold the Glasto Music Festival. He described the camps they held and the tales of how he and the volunteers built know the photo of the proud angler with the biggest fish...his equivalent was the biggest stone from the quarry. More importantly still he was a Druid and in those couple of hours he brought together all the soul searching I had done to find out which spiritual path I should be on. I had tried and discarded various things knowing that they simply didn't align with my personal beliefs and from that moment on I found my tribe. He literally gifted me a life changing moment and set me off on a different course. I might not remember much of what he said, but I do remember I was so excited I didn't sleep that night and I was tingling with excitement for the next couple of days. Anyone who knows me in real life will know that I am usually a very measured person who keeps their emotions tightly in check so it really was a huge thing for me. For once I actually committed my feelings about the experience to paper.
Since that day my Druidry has presented itself in a very different form that suits my personality and I am perfectly happy with the idea of my being a Solitary Druid rather than being in any groups. I haven't kept up with Ivan MacBeth until recently when I was sorry to learn that he died suddenly in 2016. However, I did find out just a few weeks ago that one of his circles was within half an hour of here and so I made it my mission to visit it as soon as we could travel further afield again. Yesterday was that day....the quietly impressive Dragonstones in Hascombe. They might be modern in the sense of only being erected a few years ago, but the stones themselves are ancient and come from Portland. We had the place to ourselves and without a doubt I shall return many more times.
Friday, 23 April 2021
St George's day 2021
Now knowing me as you do you would probably expect at the very least a dragon on this English Saint day, but no I'm ringing in the changes and offering up a slightly more unexpected picture of bluebells.
Thursday, 22 April 2021
The Friendly Network
My friend S moved house into a road much nearer to me at the beginning of the year. We haven't met for a few months whilst she's been getting herself settled, but that was rectified with a cuppa and slice of cake [she bakes delicious treats] in her sunny garden on Monday. Funnily enough we had cancelled from the week before due to the freezing temperatures and snow...can't think why that wouldn't appeal😆
Whilst there S gave me this....given to her via another mutual friend who thought it might just appeal to me. Honestly sometimes I think others know me better than I know myself!
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
On Familiar Ground
The wonderful thing about visiting Nymans is that although it's very familiar to me it is never the same, so without further ado sights from around the garden and woodlands with accompanying notes as needed. Most of the time the images are self explanatory and speak for themselves.
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Woodland Characters
Not magical tales of imagined folk, but real people after whom the woodlands on the Nymans Estate have been named.
Hard as it is to read the first one is Pookchurch Wood. I can't find much online about him, but Reverend Pook was known to tell Bible stories to anyone that would listen from the raised dais that projected out from one of the natural sandstone outcrops. It's become known as Pook's Pulpit and there is now an ongoing project to record the built up layers of graffiti that cover it. Some of it dates back 300 years, but it's thought that there are probably carvings that are even older. Due to its delicate nature people are asked not to touch it, but the National Trust has created a 3-D model of it for anyone who's interested [me! me!!]
Off duty
All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...

Certainly a new twist on the usual blue plaque. It made us laugh and had us scratching our heads. It just seemed rather odd, but even th...
I'm leaving today's post in the very capable hands of The Cure. Was a huge fan back in the day and still enjoy hearing their unique...
I think if you heed the advice in the text below you might want to think twice about sitting on this bench.....them dragons is dangerous bea...