Monday, 22 September 2014

Monday Monday!

"Monday Monday" by the Mamas and Papas. Funny seeing those skinny jeans- my 16 year old wears exactly the same. Fashion really does just go round and round these days.

You have a weary blogger today. A very early start on Saturday morning, lots of travelling, working all weekend and then a long journey to get back to GBT at 8pm which is earlier than some years. Yes I have been wearing another of my hats- our mini business hat and here is our "Empire" in all its glory.

I've spent the last two days nattering to the show's visitors, Janet and John knitting [another garter stitch blanket for a friend], completing crosswords with Mr GBT during the lulls and finishing Oliver Postgate's autobiography. An interesting read- he recognised himself as a misfit and a maverick. A very driven individual he was an inventor in addition to the many other skills he acquired during his colourful patchwork life. I gather he was charming- would you Adam and Eve it, one of the ladies who shared his surname that I spoke to, was only married to one of his relatives at one time. Small world!

Hopefully normal blogging service will be resumed in the next day or so when I have located the jar in which I have left my brain. Meanwhile I'll leave you with this track by Paloma Faith that came out a few months ago- they played it on the radio when we were having breakfast at the hotel yesterday and I just love it.

Speak soon and hopefully a tad more coherently...I'm off to track down a strong coffee to prop me up!


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