Monday, 29 September 2014

Michaelmas Daisy Days

I am a Michaelmas baby and am off up into the big smoke for birthday adventures today. In the meantime let me leave you with a poem which shares my namesake this 29th September. 

Hail the Michaelmas daisy's
Softly glowing purple haze.
Lit by the sun's wistful gaze
Bringing cooler mellow days.

Festooned with spiders weaving.
Dripping with dew drops gleaming.
Through the misty morning light
Ghostly blooms loom into sight.

Our perennial swan song's
Been waiting all summer long.
And now a flower fanfare
Heralding Autumnal air!

Maureen Pickford.



  1. Hi Aril
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday! Enjoy your trip to the big smoke :o)
    Lots of love
    Rose H
    (Lovely poem)


The January Man

I heard this song for the first time at our folk club recently. As we head out of January with the promise of some early signs of Spring dan...