Saturday 7 March 2015

The Churches Conservation Trust

As ever I am late to the party with this charitable trust. I've known vaguely of the Churches Conservation Trust from snippets I've seen in the press but not really thought until now about investigating any further. To make the best use of the time when I'm away I like to have an online nose to see what's available in the area before I sally forth and anything that is a bit off the beaten track, quirky and free/low cost piques my interest. I've discovered there are many churches in Sussex that I will pay a visit to when I am in the area [I tend not to make special journeys] but I've dipped my toe in the water with a couple of little gems which were only just up the road from where I was staying.

 Firstly St Peter's, Swingfield. This was a Knight's Hospitaller church [the order was dedicated to St John and set up to care for the pilgrims who visited the Holy Land and were struggling due to poverty, illness or injury]. The wonderful turret was added in the 15th century and houses the stairs. It was used as a watch tower in WWII.

18th century moral reminders adorn the walls and just loved the foliage draping itself over the notice.

Our second visit was to St Mary's in Capel-le-Ferne. It's a little squat church now isolated from the main part of the village and situated next to a farm.

We both loved the busyness of this window.

However, the church is noteworthy because of its unique opening above the 14th century stone screen displaying the rood cross.

It would seem that the CCT has a little more than just the ongoing upkeep of the church to concern themselves with if this notice is anything to go by.

On a foul day weather wise this seemed a mighty fine way to while away an hour or so!


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