Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Ginger Rock Buns

Please do tuck in! Having found a rather large bag of crystallised ginger lurking at the back of my kitchen cupboard [I can't recall when I bought it] I mulled over what I could do with it. This was my final solution- Mr GBT accosted me on my way in yesterday afternoon and simply said "please make them again". One guesses that they met with his approval then!

Grease two baking trays and preheat the oven to 200C. Blitz 8oz plain flour, 1 tsp mixed spice, 2 tsp baking powder and 4oz butter in the blender. Add 4oz sugar [demerara gives a crunchy texture] and 4oz crystallised ginger. Blitz again briefly then add 1 beaten egg. Blitz and if still not quite wet enough to come together a dribble of milk should do it [you don't want it wet]. Form the mix into rough looking balls and bake for 15 mins.



  1. Lovely! I feel that a bit of baking will be part of my therapising self regime. xx

  2. ooh! excuse me - off to see if I have enough crystalized ginger! xx

  3. The last lot of Rock Cakes that Lady Magnon made were well named.

    1. Hope you didn't chip any teeth Cro!



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