Monday, 4 April 2016


Something strange happens to my brain when I'm out and about amusing myself sometimes. I spot things which inwardly make me titter so I reach for my camera to record the moment for posterity. I try to do so subtly so the whole world and his wife doesn't think I'm completely bonkers, but with the first set of snaps I had inadvertently drawn attention to myself because a couple had stopped to see what I was looking at. I heard sniggering as they wandered off.....

 This "fellow" has appeared in the window above the local branch of Pret a Manger. A closer view shows him to be in the very fine company of a bottle of Malibu [my tipple of choice when I was rather younger]

I think he may have been left idling in the stock room from the days when the shop was a clothes store in a previous incarnation.

This has appeared in our local church charity shop. It was put in with the children's craft items...I'm not entirely sure that it's all that innocent or not to my eyes anyway. In that intellectual game in which I excel.....we are of course talking about Pass the Pigs....if the pigs land in a mildly dodgy pose it's called "makin' bacon" and you instantly lose all your accumulated points....I think this one might be one of those.

Ah yes and then there's this....I can't tell you just how strongly I had to fight the urge to rush in there and buy something. Not for the reason of wanting new garments but purely so that the entry "Top Totty" might appear on the credit card bill and the look of puzzlement which would cross my husband's face. It sounds like a middle class sex shop to where I'm sure the staff would sit you down with a nice cup of Earl Grey once you had made your purchases.....


1 comment:

Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...