Saturday, 30 April 2016

"Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings"

Above is a quote taken from Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. Thus in the spirit of a busy nothing how about a game of Bingo Austen style for 'tis most certainly the weekend.



  1. Hah! I read each one and kept changing my mind on which book, but then realized-pretty much all of them! Love Austen for just that it is what it is. Great Mansfield Park quote. I've used that one a lot, or an iteration of it. I feel that, very judgmental of me I know, that it applies to a few family members.

  2. Not quite sure how one plays this game. I think it was Mansfield Park that contained the first ever written reference to 'Baseball'; but don't ever tell an American that the game was originally English.


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