Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Through The Square Window.....

... a final selection of randomness from Bolney.

"Sculpture" dotted around the churchyard.

A rather jolly weather vane at the vineyard. We are most definitely in pheasant breeding territory here in West Sussex. Shooting is a major part of country life here.

This is my first ever encounter with the invasive American Skunk Cabbage. Some are up in arms about it but I, along with some of my fellow walkers, admitted that we were rather taken with the colour. It was first introduced in 1901 and gains it name from its notorious "fragrance".

Lastly this little fellow. 

The woods and hedgerows are really starting to come alive again. Lots of violets, bluebells, primroses, cuckoo flowers, wood sorrel and spurge. One of my favourite times of year.


1 comment:

  1. Robins never fail to make me smile. They are so sweet looking but feisty and courageous. xx


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