Friday 17 February 2017

Greenman Watch 2017

Yes it's been officially launched...if you're not a greenman fan look away now!

The Monday afternoon trek into town wasn't all about massive brussel sprouts you know....during a fevered moment on our way back from the riverside walk earlier in the month I thought I might have spotted yet another new greenman looking down at me from the roofline of a Victorian row of shops. Seeing as Mr GBT was having a mare with one of his orders a breather was in order....might as well go out with a goal in mind.

Mission successfully completed and can now confirm that I have successfully spotted not one, but three new-to-me greenmen and two dragons. Huzzah and thrice times huzzah.

I shall forward these images to the Company of the Green Man in due course, but thought for any fellow foliate head fans out there you might appreciate a sneak preview!



  1. Sneak preview much appreciated! unfortunately where I live, it's not generally of that persuasion. More in the style of Victorian industrial trinketry and boastery displayed on buildings. (Even some harkening back to the day of person tradery which is not a good thing) However if we were to jolly out further afield - we can find some architectural decor more to my liking!

    1. These are all up high. Our town is very middle class and has the highest Tory majority in the's been quite amusing finding the slightly more eccentric details. They are in plain sight though for those who want to see them.

  2. In the Victorian era...waw they were living dangerously...cleverly disguised as fleur de lys maybe? x

    1. Very racy weren't they..I wasn't at all sure, but when you look closely they've definitely got noses!

  3. I have four Green Men plaques to hang in the garden. The,start of an outside 'Mad Wall' perhaps?! xx

    1. Brillo- might even get to see it for real in the summer ;-)

  4. Oooh - I love green men, and there are plenty of dragons to be found in Wales! We have three green men in our house, but just bought in ones.


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...