Tuesday 28 February 2017

Flippin' Eck!

This bell sits on top of Grange Court in Leominster. When the building was the Market House it was used to signal major events. On Shrove Tuesday apparently it was rung to remind the housewives to light their ovens in preparation for making pancakes. I'm afraid if you did that anywhere near me I would not be held responsible for my actions....you certainly wouldn't be getting any pancakes unless you made them yourself!

For the past few years our town has held its own pancake race. It's organised by the Rotary club and raises a goodly few pounds for local good causes. When I was working [pre redundancy] our company entered a team in the inaugural one back in 2009. It was a hoot, but we certainly didn't win! Now it's a much bigger affair with lots more competitors. I've not seen it since, but it's certainly stirred up a few memories. This time it was held earlier than usual to coincide with half term. For anyone with children of a certain age the compere was Dave Benson-Phillips who did a lot of kids TV programmes back in the 1990s. 

Knowing how temperamental I can be in the kitchen and my serious lack of patience with anything batter related, it is probably best that I am not allowed anywhere near the frying pan....Mr GBT will do the honours and I shall do the quality control bit😋 My job is to clear up afterwards!



  1. Walsall used to have an annual Shrove Tuesday pancake race - no slebs, though just the market traders. Sadly the race is no more, health and safety issues!
    I haven't had a pancake for years! xxx

    1. Our "celeb" lives not far from here and does all the local events including panto! Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd also lives here..don't know that he'd be up for this type of event though somehow!


Hubble Bubble

  Thank you so much for all your good wishes for the 'All Hallows' event. I am so pleased to say that the weather dried up for us an...