Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Coming Unscrewed

[image from pixabay]
Warning- this post is coming to you as a minor moan and in the category of "First World Problem" so it's not to be taken too seriously.

Jars....aargh...or to be more precise new jars which haven't been opened and have decided that I, sure as hell, ain't going to be the first one to open them either. I am reaching the conclusion that maybe I don't have as much strength in my hands as some, but I don't like to be defeated by a piddling glass container which sits and refuses to budge when I try to unscrew its lid. Over time I've tried various tricks....wearing a rubber glove to give me extra grip, tapping round the edge of the lid with a knife, running the top under hot water [that one always makes me nervous in case the glass shatters] and using one of those lid opener things with the different sized rings [OK until you get a sloped lid when it just spins round uselessly]. In desperation I go and hunt down Mr GBT or the teenogre, but this reliance on my chaps cheeses me off mightily. So any other suggestions gratefully received!

Next time I'm coming back as an octopus....they seem to have got the matter sussed👍



  1. I use the 'knife under the edge of the jar' method - link - works every time x

  2. I just lift the edge of the lid with a knife and it unseals the vacuum. Easy tip from someone who's used to not having a bloke around. Is there one now though? Being enigmatic!xx

    1. Thank you- you and Kate are marvellous! Re bloke....don't know the answer....shall have to be patient and pump you for info next month!

  3. I have a Jarkey which I got from Lakeland, I think. It sounds as though it does the same sort of thing as the knife trick referenced above but I have broken a couple of knives in the past do I've been banned from using them for anything other than buttering toast with now :) Helen

    1. Thank you for letting me know that Helen- that sounds like a very useful thing to add to my kitchen drawer. I knew all the wonderful bloggers out there would be able to tell me!


Little Things

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