Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Alban Eiler 2017

Spring Equinox blessings to one and all.  

It's beautifully sunny here in Sussex. I know I promised to be conspicuous by my absence, but I have only just "popped" in. Decorating is going well....Mr GBT has only had to touch up a very small patch I missed on the dado rail from yesterday and it was very gloomy. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Had we painted it sky blue pink with purple polka dots rather than white it would never have happened!

Have just learnt that the sacred British hare is called Gearr [where have I been...call myself a Druid?!!]. This rather lovely triple hare plaque was the perfect pressie from my SIL at Christmas. I'd only just decided where to put it and now, after a couple of weeks, it's had to come down again due to the painting. It will be back in its former place by the end of the week.

Now I really am returning to lurkdom....promises, promises.



  1. I'd not heard that name before and went for a bit of a googling type search and see it is an Irish word with several meanings, I need to dig a little deeper to find out more :) A bit of a rabbit hole me thinks!

    1. I would be intrigued to find out more....

  2. I love that plaque, what an ace pressie!
    It's sunny but extremely cold here today with snow forecast - it must be Spring! x

    1. I'm up your way in the next few days....I've known it to snow in March in previous years. Unlikely down sarf though.

  3. Those hares turn up everywhere. Synchronicity! xx

    1. I have another triple hare plaque which I don't think I've shown before. Must make amends soon!



  When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...