Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Warmth On Your Back

Tut, tut...another day off and another day out. I don't know I don't go to London for months at a time and then I go up twice in a matter of days! This time I've been over to the Dulwich Picture Gallery with Arty L. We sat out in the grounds with a coffee when we arrived and both commented how lovely it was to feel the warmth in the sun. It really did feel like the first Spring like day of the year.

This sculpture is "Walking the Dog" by Peter Randall-Page and the three boulders apparently refer to the three founders of the place. The carving is replicating the running dog frieze which decorates the top of the complex. I did notice the detailing on the way in, but  I have to say though we were much more concerned with admiring the daffs in the background at the time. What a pair of commoners!

Tomorrow it will be back to nose to the grindstone as per usual! Bah humbug!



  1. I suppose it's different if you live in the U.K. but I'd be in London every chance I had I'd I could make a day trip of it! The best parks, museums, and gardens to wander and observe.

    1. I always enjoy it but it's expensive to get up there. I agree there's a massive amount to do and I'm going again next month. Really though I'm at my happiest in the woodlands.



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...