Wednesday, 1 March 2017

The Great Escapologist

Now let's be brutally honest. This fellow hardly looks like the next Houdini does he now....his physique [or lack of it to be precise] for starters....I could go on. Apparently though, given the right set of circumstances, this is the case....

After much deliberation [and an inheritance] we have taken the plunge and had the manky old double glazing replaced this week [one window had you pushed it hard enough would have fallen out!]. Two chaps arrived on Monday to start fitting the new ones.

Having seen Psychocat [our old moggie] attempt to demonstrate her window sill walking skills on a couple of occasions...we're talking upstairs and on the outside [the old windows didn't have the smaller opening part at the top] and caught her just in the nick of time [heart in mouth moment] I didn't want a repeat performance. Not only was she a fey little thing and he's rather broad in the beam, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have done either of them a whole heap of good landing on the patio beneath...I suspect it would have been curtains. So with that in mind, we shut Humphrey downstairs...his "incarceration" consisted of access to the garden, food, water and a choice of 6 dining chairs, one sofa and two armchairs to sleep on. Her with the day-glo tattoo "Muppet" on her forehead even put down her rainbow jumper for him to rest his weary head upon. 

Did he sleep? Of course he bluddy well didn't. He spent the entire time with his nose pressed up against the door yowling to be let out and protesting about the erosion of his rights to tell the chaps how it should be done. Had he had a placard I think he'd have been marching up and down waving it. He made one successful bid for freedom....he can move quite swiftly for a plump fellow, but he was unceremoniously returned to his prison. There's always one wag who thinks it clever to stick their foot in wet cement and leave their mark in perpetuity...funnily enough we were not that keen for him to do the same on our sealant. Naturally when the company returned yesterday to fit the downstairs ones he took no notice and slept the entire time as his wont.

Ah well...such is life. 

Having said all that we are very pleased with our new windows and back door!



  1. He is giving a look in the picture. Glad he's safe and can go back to his previous scheduled life.

    1. He's still definitely a bit out of sorts...he bit my arm this afternoon!

  2. Ah, yes, cats. Always on the wrong side of the door. Never mind what the occasion is, the door to cat positioning is never right.

    1. Agreed- every door should either be left open or at the very least held open on demand. Feline logic eh!

  3. You shut poor Humphrey away?! Oh the trauma...all alone in comfort and not allowed to 'help' the workmen. How could you?! x

    1. Quite easily....cruel, cruel owner!



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...