Thursday, 23 March 2017

"Gawd, now she's got me at it!"

Those were the exact words uttered by my friend S to her husband when we were down in Brighton on Tuesday....she is one of those people who makes you laugh all the time. She shoots from the hip and I like her enormously. She was actually referring to spotting all the weird and wonderful Brighton has to offer which apparently normally passes her by unnoticed. The more the merrier I say.

This was one of hers...I've marvelled at this particular pair of legs before, but never did I notice the red shoe kicked up on to the roof above!

The weather was glorious...first day of Spring, so finding a sheltered spot down on the front we were able to enjoy an ice cream...somehow the first one of the season always tastes just that little bit better.

So taking into account my powers of observation....."I'd like to climb the i360 if I ever get the chance" commented S. Looking over my shoulder airily I mused which direction this new tower was in. Understand that at a mere 162m high it's obviously not easy to see...."It's right in front of you donut!" guffawed my straight talking friend. I think those around me should be very scared that I'm allowed out in public on my own sometimes!!

Perhaps I really should stick to flying umbrellas and smiling cats. Best leave the real world to the sensible ones amongst us!



  1. Hiding in plain sight! Love the brolly and cat art, wish we had more of these delightful little gems round here, our art work tends to be a little on the uninteresting graffiti type that only seems to generate tut-tutting and police visits.

    1. Our town is like that too....thankfully there is a small maverick few who inject a little humour now and again.


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...