Thursday, 10 August 2017

Wolf Whistling

Back in the day I can distinctly remember the dread I felt if I knew I had to walk past a building site....invariably some smart alec would holler some wise crack or wolf whistle. It was never anything offensive, but as a young teen it made me feel embarrassed and self conscious. On one occasion I had to undergo the ordeal whilst teetering in my one and only pair of stilettos.....I caught my heel and the wretched shoe fell off...this was followed by a round of applause from my unwelcome audience.

Looking back now it was harmless if just a tad annoying. My days of cars beeping their horns at me and cat calls are long since past....I have had a few wolf whistles though, but not from who you might expect.

Until recently my Druid chum S had a budgie called Vinny. Her Mum also had a bird and they used to look after it for her when she was going away.....he produced the most perfect wolf whistle....usually half way through one of our rituals which caused us to fall about the place howling. His timing was perfect! The strange thing is though that S's Mum has always maintained that she didn't teach him how to do this so it remains a mystery as to where he learnt the art. Perhaps he shared the same teacher as this parrot!



  1. Said bird wasn't a cockatiel, was it? Ours both wolf-whistle; the previous one did too, and all the cockatiels I've "met" in pet shops and other people's homes have as well. It seems to be one of their natural calls.

    1. No it was actually another budgie. Thanks for your comment Angie.

  2. In our family (which is predominately blokey) I am the only one (token female) who can wolf whistle ... so I do!!

    1. I am so jealous...I can't even whistle!

  3. Yep...when you're young you don't want the attention...when you're older and could handle it you don't get it...such a shame! x



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