Wednesday 30 August 2017

He Haw.

I was saddened to hear of the loss of a former client of mine late last week. It wasn't unexpected as I knew she was seriously ill, but I had always enjoyed her company and only stopped when her Alzheimers got a serious hold and she needed to go into care.

Socially I'd known this lady for years. She and I shared a dry sense of humour and a shared love of donkeys. When she was growing up her Father had looked after the donkeys who worked on the beaches in Sussex over the winter months and when I first met her she herself had a rescue jenny and foal which she kept in the field behind her home.

These two were stars in their own right. They had the leading roles in the Palm Sunday and Christmas Eve services in the village church and when we visited they really didn't care to be ignored. On one occasion I made this very faux pas and turned my back on them. The Mother popped her head over the low field fence, under my skirt and pushed me forward from behind my knees. It's quite a forceful shove I can tell you... I took the hint and she got her cuddle! D always maintained that they were much misunderstood creatures..their reputation for stubbornness was undeserved. They were only awkward if they were fearful or unhappy. Mr GBT took this photo on our recent holiday in Clovelly. D would have enjoyed this and I shall miss her.



  1. Aah yes the Clovelly donkeys...think I've met these creatures! x

    1. Yes they're in your part of the world I do believe.


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...