Thursday, 3 August 2017

On owls, hunting bras and fried peas.

Now that's a title combination to conjure with....all I did yesterday was to stand back and really pay attention to the little things which normally pass me by.

There's a rather elderly and cantankerous cat who lives at one of the houses I clean....she's a silver tabby who is rotund to the point of being almost triangular and she's quite a character. Frankly she's not that keen on folks and tends to hiss threateningly at you if you go too near. I've always been in her bad books because I disturb her 22 hour sleep with the much hated hoover, so I was never going to be welcomed with open paws was I! 😼 I just give her a wide berth except this past couple of months for reasons only known to feline logic I have become flavour of the month...she now rushes to meet me and is all over me like a rash demanding attention. On this visit I was puzzled to find a fairly large toy owl sitting in the middle of the hall...I was amazed to discover that apparently she "hunts" this owl out everyday and brings it to her owner as a gift accompanied by much shouting about her generosity. If I tell you it sits at the back of a shelf which she has to climb up to reach and she's not either fast or terribly mobile you'll see why it's such a feat...I have to say I would prefer it if Humphrey switched to such inanimate "presents"....the last one we smelt before we found it eww!

Speaking of Himself....he's back in the doghouse. Now I am a lady without much frontage, so I'm really not in the market for a complicated affair when buying an over the shoulder boulder holder. Please can someone explain to me in the simplest terms why brassieres are relatively so expensive....I really don't do frou frou...just something plain suits me fine. It pains me when I have to wrench open the GBT purse and buy a new one, but stump up I did recently. Naturally I took full advantage of the supermarket sale before making any rash purchases. Said item has been washed and had been left in a pile of clean laundry to be put you might imagine I am not thrilled to find that the wretched cat has decided that it is the perfect item to hunt during this spell of inclement weather....not only has he been pouncing on it he has also been gnawing at the thing.....he had the temerity to look deeply offended when I reclaimed it and scolded him.

As for fried peas?! What you might well ask! Rest assured I'd never heard of them either....these were given to me by TYM. Apparently he developed the taste for them when he was abroad in Bangladesh [although judging by the fact that he'd eaten the whole tube of Pringles at 5am he's not lost his crisp habit either!]. I have to say I was a little dubious, but I can report that they make a rather moreish savoury snack and not dissimilar to elements of Bombay Mix.

Right that's quite enough from me for one day!



  1. Had a lovely pea and cheese risotto when I was down in Cornwall the other week. More inspiration? xx

    1. That sounds lush...I've got a recipe for a risotto with peas somewhere. Only trouble is TYM is a bit off rice at the moment!

  2. They sell those peas at our corner shop, they're lovely!
    I'm loving the hissy tabby cat and her owl. Humphrey is a naughty boy. Cats do have a habit of sniffing out or newest things and trashing them, don't they? xxx

    1. Now I know about the peas I shall be keeping my eyes peeled when I next visit our Asian shop!



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