Wednesday, 16 August 2017

It's a tatty old thing.

I'm sure you'll be with me when I say that our wild flowers book is looking very dog eared and like it's seen better days. I don't put much store by things as a general rule, but I realised with some surprise recently that this is something I do treasure. By and large it sits largely forgotten on our book shelf only to be hauled out when I'm trying to identify a new flower or check a name. Nowadays with the age of the digital camera upon us I can take photo first rather than having to take it out with me, but it nearly always comes up trumps and then I can double check on Google if I'm still not sure.

It's seen its fair share of trials and tribulations...dropped in at least one stream, muddy puddles, squashed in under soggy clothes and handled with grubby mits. Yet it continues to soldier on valiantly......why am I fond of it? 27 years ago it was the first birthday present I ever bought Mr GBT. We have shared a love of wild flowers since our first outing together and since 1990 we've marked where and when we have seen the different types. In monetary terms it's worth nowt, but for me and the memories it stirs it remains priceless.



  1. That looks like a lovely book - and a mine of info, too. No wonder you treasure it.

  2. Hi,Ive got a hardback book,similer to this that i bought for 30p in a charity shop in Brighton.It had been given to someone as a gift dated Christmas 1961,to Percy for all the kindness you have given my brother From Joy.I love browsing through it and wonder what history there is behind it,Debi,Leic,x

    1. I would love to know the story behind it too. That kind of history is fascinating isn't it Debi!

    2. Another old book i picked up,was Simple Cooking.Inside is written..From Grace to Albert..She also wrote a poem..Tis thee my dear that i adore,And will my dear forever more..To my darling sweetheart.........It made me smile when i read it and wonder whatever happened to Grace n Albert.It was published 1950.When i bought this book,i put it carefully on the shelf because it was quite fragile but when i came to read through it,i opened it dried flowers fell out of it.Also an...information book...with 1930 to 1931 calender fell out of it as well.The booklet tells you what happens in the garden from Jan through to Dec,when to plants seeds ect.Its something that i love having and again wonder about its history.Hope your having a lovely day,Debi,Leic,x

    3. What a lovely thing to own. I always wonder when I find bookmarks in library books too! Hope you have a lovely weekend.



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