Friday, 18 August 2017

The price is right.

It has come to my attention of that I appear to be unable to grasp the basic tenet of Marie Kondo. I totally get the concept of decluttering...I am rather splendid at it I must confess [says she blowing her ego horn rather loudly] and have rehomed much stuff over the years. I've been doing this since before it became a national hobby. What I am frankly hopeless at though is resisting the lure of recluttering....I get such a thrill when people give me stuff and an adrenaline rush from Freecycle like others get in the closing seconds of an Ebay auction. So am I going to address this shortcoming of mine? Am I heck. I bleedin' well love it...both receiving and seeing the pleasure which giving to others creates.

During the latest purge I very proudly stood back to admire my efforts....all our CDs now fit into one cabinet thereby making the ugly extra storage thingy which I hid down the side of the sofa redundant. The collection has been thinned...scratched discs recycled and some howlers dismissed. If you've never heard a whole CD of the hurdy-gurdy being played dare I suggest that you don't bother...let's just say it was a bad purchase from many years a bumble bee with toothache!

All went swimmingly with the newly created space in my front room....that was until we went to put our cuppas down...I had not factored in that we had used the top of our ugly storage thingy as a table for years. Back to the drawing board....our new space is now filled with this slightly shabby piecrust table. I don't mind things looking homely...GBT has been unintentionally shabby chic for years! I am pleased to confirm that my need to replace/repurchase/reclutter set me back a princely £3 in the half price sale at the local charity shop. Not bad eh and another chance for me to add yet more recycled goodies to the homestead.



  1. We used to have a stack of boxes that until they got moved, I was using as a side table. We also have a very ugly short filing cabinet next to hubs side of the bed. I want it goe, but then where would his cup go?

    1. Obviously this is a world wide dilemma!

  2. Nice one mate. I'm sure Marie Kondo would be very approving. My home has nearly had its 'Magic Art of Tidying' makeover - except Louis' room! xx

    1. I ventured into TYM's room when he was away and deep cleaned it. He's done the inside of his wardrobe this was so dusty and made him sneeze continuously. You can imagine how much sympathy he got from least it's produced a huge bag of clothes which are now destined for the Ukraine! Arilx



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