Wednesday, 21 March 2018

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!

One day there is a vague possibility that I might just remember that the Spring Equinox is a moveable feast, but clearly this is not the year for any such realisations, so please accept my late wishes for Alban Eiler.

I've chosen a personal favourite to illustrate the change in season. I can recall this picture being at home when I was a kinderling. It turned up in a bag in my parents' loft a few years ago when I was helping my Mum sort out some stuff and she passed it on to me. Now it sits quietly in my corner cupboard of treasures. No idea how old it or where it came from originally bar it having been in my Mum's bedroom when she was very young. I would guess anywhere between 1920-1940.

Hopefully we'll start to enjoy some slightly milder temperatures soon eh!



  1. Ive got nearly identical picture in my kitchen but mine is oval in shape.I bought it for £2 in a charity shop in Kentish Town London about 10 years ago.It looks very old but the thing i loved about it,was that it has a pot...figurine? that the word??....attached to the front of though part of the picture.It is of two girls,sitting on a bench holding baskets of cherries.They are barefoot and great detail has gone into their fingers and toes.It has Italy written underneath the base of it.Id never seen one before and never seen one since.Its lovely to have that of your Mams and I often wonder what the history to mine is,Debi,xx

    1. As you say we shall never know. Anyone who might have done is no longer alive sadly.

  2. That picture is so sweet ... wouldn't it be lovely to look out the window at that lol - hopefully soon.. Wishing you all the best for the season that's in it.

    1. Thank yo Fil. Hope the weather is good in Northern Ireland toox

  3. Really pretty, makes you wonder whose hands worked those stitches.

    1. Yes indeed. There's a lot of French knots in it!

  4. Replies
    1. I love a bit of honest, naive folkart.


Little Things

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