Friday, 9 March 2018

Wrong footed

"Oi mate...the boss wants a carving of an elephant 'cept he wants it done like yesterday".

"An elephant? So what's one of them then? You ever seen one?"

"Nah mate. It's kind of huge...but not quite dragon size with a long nose like a big wyrm. Have a look in the Bestiary there might be summat in there."

"Do you reckon kind of cart horse height then? What about its feet? Any idea?"

"Yeah cart horse sounds about right. As I said before mate I never seen one of these 'ere beasts nor the feet. Just do what you can so I can get the Guvnor off my back."

So with a bit of artistic license here we have a medieval carver's interpretation of an elephant complete with horses hooves. A pretty good attempt all things considered. There are a few other ones round the country, but this one is in Chester again.



  1. Lol,Brilliant!..but have you considered that it could be an ear less horse eating a snake? Just a thought!,lol,Debi,xx

    1. It could well have been. Your theory works well too Debi!

  2. Interesting piece of art. I wonder what the story was, but your's works.

    1. I'm not that far off the truth. Some knew of the existence of the elephant, but very few had seen one in the flesh. Drawings and depictions were largely reliant upon the descriptions of those who had travelled. There are quite a lot of other images which are similarly imaginative! Arilx

  3. Very cool and a good imaginative post too. xx

  4. Made me laugh, but it is a lovely carving and there are plenty of 'myths' in the Christian faith...

    1. If it made you laugh then it's mission accomplished!



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