Monday, 1 October 2018


Final post from Oslo. With only two full days there we took the decision to saddle up Shank's pony and spend the second one just exploring. Never knowing what might be around the next corner gave us the perfect opportunity to discover all sorts. Just the way I like to do things.

This is the Opera House. It's based on a glacier and you can climb on the roof to get views back across the city or out into the harbour. At the moment the area is undergoing a massive building programme so I think the skyline will radically alter over time.

 Oslo Cathedral inside and out. The funny sculpture is the Oslo devil dating from 1100 and is thought to originally have come from St Hallvard's cathedral [now a ruin]

Amongst the images I choose to take I like to capture some of the everyday details to capture a bit of the flavour of the place so from me you get amongst others public street furniture, playgrounds, drain covers, University Hall of Residence and even a poor soldier trying to guard the Royal Palace whilst struggling with the feather on his hat tickling his nose in the wind!

All over Oslo you are treated to the most fantastic design details. Here are just a few of the many we saw. 

The trip has provided me with a whole raft of wonderful memories as we celebrated our special wedding anniversary. That's it for the globe trotting.....Back to Blighty based posts from now on I'm afraid!



  1. You've got a great eye for a quirky detail, I loved this! x

    1. Thank you Vix. That was one of the original reasons I started blogging so that I would have a space to record and share some of the slightly off beam stuff I enjoy.


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...