Monday, 22 October 2018

Raid the stash to save the cash.

Take one exceptionally dull navy cardigan you bought from the charity shop years ago and never wear. Buy pretty enamelled buttons on a terracotta base and stitch them on.

Several months later still not wearing the wretched garment. Middle button is wonky, are the buttons practical to go through the washing machine.....hide said offensive knitwear in the cupboard of doom along with all the other U.F.Os.  Out of sight out of mind....very useful. Watch Stacey Dooley documentary on the horrendous pollution caused by the fast fashion industry. Conscience pricked...dig out cardi and decide that if I straighten the button and stitch some ribbon round the sleeves perhaps that will do the trick.

As you can see my plans failed to come to fruition and instead I went for a complete overhaul. Pops of colour and something which not only do I really love now, but one that is far more me. Yes I've worn it already and all it needed was a rummage through my wool and button stash. I am not a confident person, but on this occasion I am quite chuffed.



  1. That looks fantastic, so simple but effective. It really changes the look of the cardigan

  2. Wow, like the make over. I'm tending towards more colour these days, used to be predominantly greens and blues but horror of horrors I've started eyeing up oranges and reds!

  3. What a difference - it looks really good now

  4. That looks great Aril.Its amazing what you can do when all it takes is a bit thought and a needle and cotton!.You have given me ideas for a couple of old,but still wearable cardies that I have in the bottom of my wardrobe.xx

  5. That's a great makeover - it's got a Sergeant Pepper funky military look going on now. x

  6. Thank you. It's amazing what a bit of wool and buttons claimed from other things can do to improve clothes.

  7. wow, what a great idea! unfortunately i've just done a huge clearout of clothes to the local charity shop, but will definately remember this in the future.

  8. That looks very elegant, I have some wooden buttons that make the rounds on my cardigans.But I wish I could look elegant ;(


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...