Wednesday, 24 October 2018

The Flames of the Season

It's simply my favourite season by a country mile, so it's yet more fiery Autumn images today which were taken on Saturday when we went out with friends.

Thanks for your well wishes for His Plumpness [except I am now to be known Your Litheness as the the vet has confirmed I have lost weight- H😼] He is pawley no more having been knocked out and the abscess lanced and drained. It was quite a vicious bite, but he's back to normal and has been out patrolling his borders and proudly showing off his war wounds to anyone who'll show him a drop of sympathy. Amazingly he's left the exposed area alone...he heard the vet say that he'd have to wear the cone of shame if he did otherwise. Anyway he insisted on having his photo taken just to remind you what a fine figure of a feline he is! Modesty is not his middle name.....



  1. My, what a handsome fellow complete with war wounds >^.^<

    1. He thinks so too! Definitely the most affectionate cat I've ever owned...a really soppy date!

  2. Gorgeous nature photos and a magnificent Humphrey! Glad to hear that he's healing well and that he's lost a bit of weight. He's a handsome lad! x

    1. He's fully intending to rush off and find that weight he's lost I'm quite sure, but nothing if I have anything to do with it!


A Quite Interesting Monday

I had yesterday off and we spent nearly three hours in a queue [the British do so love a queue] in London in the freezing cold. Was it worth...