Tuesday 16 October 2018


His Plumpness is currently traumatised....so traumatised in fact that he didn't have the strength to tidy his front paws away when he fell into his day long snooze......

The Wretched Humans thought this card oh- so funny and had the temerity to laugh at it in his presence.....a cone of shame and any suggestion of non demand feeding [he demands I feed...except I don't as he's on a diet food to keep him trimmer that he would either wish or intend] is heresy as far as this one furry purry is concerned.

Inside Mr GBT had written " don't show Humphrey he'll have a heart attack!"😸 The poor soul is still in recovery mode.



  1. You just made me snort into my brew, poor plumpness.....chortle.

  2. As the owner of a plump cocker spaniel I sympathise over the 'starvation' diet. Mind you Lucy is still nippy on her feet at 11 years old. Perhaps Her Plumpness needs some toys to exercise with.

  3. Poor puss...maybe he'll have to catch some juicy mice to top up his tastebuds. x

  4. Never fear he has now got his own back! I shall reveal all tomorrow!


Sun, Moon and Stars

I've been having fun with my fabric paints creating these small pictures of a medieval style sun and moon. They look a bit rougher round...