Tuesday, 21 July 2020

A trifle vulgar I fear.

This pile of abandoned telegraph poles reminded me of a naughty poem my Dad told me....I shared it with C when we were out walking [yesterday's post]. By the time we caught up with Mr GBT and P we were tittering like a couple of six year olds...

In days of old
When knights were bold
And ladies weren't invented.
They drilled a hole
In a telegraph pole
And kept themselves contented.

And on that low note I shall love you and leave you for today.



  1. We had a slightly different version,

    In days of old when knights were bold
    And dragons weren't invented
    They wrapped their arms around a tree
    And had to be contented!

    I think I prefer your version 😂

  2. hehe. In days of old when knights were bold, and toilets weren't invented, They dropped their load in the middle of the road and went away quite contented. (one 71yr old here giggling like a 6yr old)

    1. Excellent...I didn't know that there was more than one out there! Arilx

  3. Hahahaha, is all I have to say. Creativity is everywhere.
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.



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