Monday, 27 July 2020

Good mews.

Being in a line of work that takes me into people's homes, I've seen many things over the years. Mostly it's day to day stuff as you chat with clients and they tell you a little about their lives. Sometimes I've been present at times of great sadness and thankfully also seen moments of great joy. Clearly discretion is extremely important, but I'm sure one lady wouldn't mind me mentioning that I was with her last week when her new rescue cat arrived.

A female tortie had turned up on a building site, but due to Covid19 the Cats Protection hadn't been able to go and collect her until recently. Attempts to find her owners had failed, so the builders befriended her in the meantime and one of them took food in for her everyday. You never know how an individual rescue cat is going to react, but this little lady spent the first hour nosing around her new abode and making friends with her new staff member. I took a couple of photos for P as you can never recapture these moments can you. By the afternoon she had hopped up onto the sofa for more cuddles and was busy making herself at home! 

All the signs seem very positive and I was just delighted to be able to partake in a little of P's excitement and delight!


PS The photo is a Pixabay one...not of my client's cat.


  1. How lovely! It restores your faith in humanity when people do such kind things for animals. x

  2. As an ex-vet nurse, I never fail to be amazed at how some rescue animals just fall into their new homes with ease and grace and with a presence that says.... I belong here. Wonderful x

  3. She's a pretty lady. Sad that her owner couldn't be found, but a nice new home seems to suit her.



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