Saturday, 10 August 2013

Curiouser and Curiouser

So I had taken the thrilling decision that now officially summer is here and I was on my hols, it was high time to remove the gum boots and cagoule and dress appropriately for our chosen destination of Skeggy. This I believed to be a perfectly respectable and appropriate choice for the beach.

So as you might imagine I was a little startled to be greeted by this warning against the wearing of such apparently, racy apparel

As ever I am sure it will come as no great surprise to you that I might just be telling tall tales again! In actual fact bikini was the word chosen at random by a computer and used by the MOD to warn of non specific types of terrorist activity between 19th May 1970 until 1st August 2006. Rather sinister you might agree. It is on display at the Newark Aviation Museum.

Now I would be the first to admit that I have zero interest in how planes are put together or how they work but, like with vintage vehicles, I do enjoy looking at them, their stats e.g. how fast they fly etc and finding out about their aviation history. I was absolutely staggered at how we went from one of these in 1910 [replica]


to the planes that are familiar to us from the WW2 in such a relatively short space of time. I suppose the old adage " necessity is the mother of invention" is more that apt in a war situation.

Equally surprising to me was how taken I was with the Nissen hut [invented by Cpt P Nissen in WW1] full of engines on display. This is the one from Concorde.

And lastly this one- I thought it made a tremendous piece of artwork in its own right beyond it being an incredible feat of engineering

I have to admit though this is the point where the small person and I really let ourselves down because we both agreed that it bore more than a passing resemblance to the snakes on the door in the Harry Potter films i.e.

Now you can see why it is imperative that I leave the fixing of anything engine related to people who know what they are doing!


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