Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Roaming Round Rochester

Some of the sights/sites that greeted us. Once again I did not make it to all of these but will return I can guarantee.

Rochester Castle

Rochester Cathedral

Carvings over one of the doorways at the cathedral.

Inevitably greenmen photos....well of course what did you expect!!

The very weathered Sheelanagig

The zodiac floor by Sir George Gilbert Scott...normally it is not on display as it is hidden beneath a carpet near the High Altar. It was only on display because of the Sweeps' Festival.

Wall painting.....as you already know one does love a wall painting doesn't one!

And [I know dreadful habit starting a sentence with the word 'and' but I am a simple peasant] last but not least reputedly the oldest watering hole in Kent.

A most rum time was had by all.


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