Sunday, 10 August 2014

A Pale Green Shade Of Life

From the beginning of last month I made a little pledge to myself to try and find as much as possible [other than food] from non high street sources. I already do this more than some but less than others but it ties in well with my frugal recycling outlook. Inspired by Jen's positive attitude on her Make Do and Mend blog and some of the interesting links she puts up on the Book of the Face I think I "could do better". Much as I'd like to buy all ethically sourced clothes, organic food etc etc I've reached the conclusion that you need to have a much bigger budget than my modest one to achieve that. However, I am sure there's more than one way to skin a cat so I've started toddling out on my own little journey. From my jottings these are a few things I've done over the last few weeks.

-Two old mascara brushes that I would normally have thrown away have been thoroughly washed and will now be used to clean in nooks and crannies. Particularly good for getting around the base of taps I find and a good replacement for the old toothbrushes we no longer have since moving over to electric ones.

-I've discovered that I can put a combination of both clothes and scrap textiles in together at the charity banks at Tesco. This has enabled me to combine two lots of recycling in one if I go shopping there.

-My peg bag finally died the death. Normally I would tsk but fork out for another one. This time I thought about it laterally, removed the fittings and converted a bag I already had.

- I managed to stain a white t shirt on holiday and despite my best efforts it remained stubbornly there. Two new ones to me via the charity shop along with a pair of boots and these lovely skirts.

As I've mentioned on many previous occasions I have a lovely circle of family and friends with whom I regularly swap and share items. This month alone I have received some wonderful free veg including my first ever patty pan, food samples from my chum's daughter who works in an artisan deli and this lovely cardi. I am not by nature just a taker....I have also paid it forward in as many ways as I can if the opportunity has arisen.

I am now mid way through making a birthday present for someone and I have a few ideas stirring for Chrimble which will hopefully be well received later on. I plan to think carefully about anything I do make...I don't want to foist any horrors upon people! 

I am looking forward to the little twists and turns my journey may take me on this month!


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