Saturday, 30 August 2014

More Silliness For A Saturday!

Having just seen Christmas chocolates in my local Tesco this morning I am rushing back here to cover my ears la-la-la and bury my head in the sand. Pray tell me have I missed a whole three months of my life without realising? Last time I looked it was August and the kidlets were still on summer holidays weren't they?!

Anyway let's get back to the more important matters in life. I felt like I managed to successfully lower the tone yesterday so hey why not see if I can't just bring it down another notch! Yesterday as Daddikins and I were nattering over a coffee we got round to making game bird jokes when he came up with this gem. I hadn't heard it before so I scribbled it down to share. He euphemistically calls this a "pub tongue twister". I think what he means is that make sure your victim has had a small sweet sherry or three before asking them to repeat it at speed!

"I'm not a pheasant plucker
I'm a pheasant plucker's son
And I'm only plucking pheasants
Until the pheasant plucker's come."

I shall endeavour to post something slightly more sensible next time....or maybe not!



  1. This is a song as well - search Youtube for 'Pheasant Pluckers Song.

  2. I will do! Thanks Eileen

  3. C-word! C-word!! lol Wurzels fan here so love their version :)

  4. I know I am very sorry to have mentioned the C word K...promise I won't do it again [except I've got the memory of a goldfish so will forget most probably!]


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...