Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Tales From A Medieval Joust

It's been years since I went to one of these events and I had forgotten what a joyous romp they are. Can I also say [I know BAD MOTHER] just how civilised it was not having to hare around with a grumpy small person [when he was small I mean] these days [he was as ever still in bed when we left him and out with some young fillies when we returned] and the novelty of not having to visit the children's zone still hasn't worn off!

I've seen Devil Stick Peat the Jester before but in the intervening period he's got married and produced a couple of his own little jesterlings. Aww. This chap is not only great fun but he also does some great work for charity both here and abroad.

Medieval musical entertainment from A Companye of Strangers and musicians in the living history village.

Fascinating talks on a range of subjects from medieval sayings through to medieval housewifery. As you might imagine I have scribbled down a few choice snippets to share in due course!
This gentleman gave a most graphic and gruesome talk about Master Topcliffe who was Elizabeth I's torturer and struck fear into the hearts of even the most hardened criminal. His stand was very much in keeping with this theme.

One of the traders made it crystal clear the fate that awaited any would be light fingered individual.

Naturally, as you expect, there were some stonkingly good battles which Mr GBT enjoyed whilst I sought the entertainment of the Mediaeval Baebes.

Most marvellous way to invest one's groats methinks!


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