Sunday, 12 October 2014

Getting In A Rut.

We've been out today on a small jolly taking in some of the sights and sounds within our local area. More of that to come.

En route to our intended destination we passed a local deer park. The herd are privately owned and are raised for meat. Fortuitously a public footpath cuts through the field next door so you can get some really good close up views of the red deer.

The Vanquisher with his does looking mighty pleased with himself one might say.

And the Vanquished. The one under the tree looked magnificent but a little despondent.

Two years ago an 11 year old stag called Poseidon from the park broke the British record for the antlers with the greatest number of points [he had 50]...mind you it was a bit touch and go as he carried a crow around with him that kept pecking away at them!



  1. Hi Aril, what magnificent images :o)
    We went over to Cannock Chase (as we often do) last Friday evening just on dusk and were privileged to see a magnificent fallow stag parading round with his wonderful 'chadelier' and marking his turf. Sadly it was too dark for photos - I'm hoping for better luck this week though.
    Have a great week.
    Rose H

  2. Thank you Rose- they were Mr GBT's handiwork again. Hope you see the fallow stag in the light- we have several herds of them near here. They are so pretty!



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