Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year's Day!

Firstly a very Happy New Year to one and all. They say time flies when you're having seems to be going at double speed these days!

Well chaps absolutely no plans to make any resolutions whatsoever here for me at GBT. I am full of admiration for those who make them and can stick to them but personally I find them generally rather depressing and often focused on deprivation. I just don't respond well to that type of approach and if anything's going to make me misbehave it will be that! That's not to say that there won't be changes...I've got a head full of ideas and a plan beginning to formulate of where I'd like to be in a year's time but things will evolve gradually and I shall continue to nip and tuck as I have done this year. What I won't be stopping is the positive behaviours that I have mastered this year so I can come off the chuckle pills altogether [I've already been able to reduce the dosage twice] once the clocks go forward.

Snigger- I have signed up for a dry January with our local radio station. Anyone who knows me in real life will find that an amusing concept as I do enjoy a small alcoholic beverage on a regular basis. Please don't think I'm a drunken old sot but I will have to rethink my behaviours on a Friday and Saturday night when I'm to be found with a glass of Hobbity Booze in my paw [unless I am driving]. I could give you some old blarney about I'm doing it for health reasons but I'd be telling porkie pies....I'm doing it to get in the draw for a £500 spa break! I've had to sign a disclaimer so there really won't be any cheating.

Anyway for those of us who have made resolutions in previous years and fallen at the first hurdle this one's for you.....

See you in the bar on 1st February!



  1. Good luck with your alcohol free month! Happy new year to you.

  2. Thank you Eileen. Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Good job I'm meeting you in February then! There's ale in that capital city. Happy New Year. Julie x


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...