Saturday, 22 August 2015

A Small Surprise.

Wednesday evening is Mythago practice night. Our melodian player wandered over to me whilst I was rummaging around in my bag [probably looking for a pen as usual...I swear there's a black hole in there where everything useful disappears only to all reappear at the most inopportune moment...usually when I've dropped my open bag and then the darned things scatter everywhere!]. We often exchange a quick word by way of greeting and catch up before we get down to the serious business of dancing. "You like churches don't you" she said and then handed me this book. "I saw it in the shop and thought of you." What a lovely surprise gift. I have only been to two of them so I feel more Sussex based sorties coming about over the darker months of the year.



  1. Aren't gifts like that, out of the blue and completely just for you, the best? A friend once gave me a fondue/hot dip recipe book she saw because she knew I would like it.

  2. Sometimes people know you better than you know yourself- random surprise gifts are the best!



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