Sunday, 23 August 2015

Rabbit Pie.

No need of smelling salts here....I promise no fluffy bunnies were harmed in the making of this pie. Mr GBT and I are off out to a BBQ today. The weather forecast looks dreadful, but thankfully the hosts have a series of outhouses so we'll be in the dry. This year we've been asked to provide a pud and after racking my brain, I remembered just how much I used to love it when we had jam tart and custard for our school dinners. Mr GBT, being a pastry whizz, has kindly turned my idea into a reality [I do cook honest guv but I am the household cake baker. Pastry refuses to work for me]. He's been rummaging in my biscuit cutter box to use up the spare pastry...hence the cottontail decoration!!

The raspberry jam is not home made this time but I am glad to say that the Autumn Bliss are now coming through thick and fast. I love going out there and picking them everyday. At the moment I'm open freezing them and then when the season is over we shall make them into jam. The canes are so prolific that we dug a load up earlier in the year and gave them to my allotment owing/dancing chum L and I am glad to say they've taken.


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