Thursday, 13 August 2015

Courgette Regret.

No regrets here at GBT I can assure you just lots of convos with various people starting with "What do you do with all your courgettes so you don't waste them?"

Various tips have been forthcoming.

One chum cuts them into ribbons with her potato peeler and cooks them like spaghetti.

Make them part of a ratouille mix. Cro Magnon over at Magnon's Meanderings preserves the mix in jars.

Another suggestion from a local Transition member suggested making the HFW pasta sauce link here  Mr GBT has made a batch which we've frozen at the pre cream/cheese stage. We'll be trying it out with the cream and cheese added in later on in the week. My only observation was that it took longer to cook than the recipe said.

Despite the dratted thing breaking [batter cakes do not take kindly to my manhandling] the courgette tea bread was very moist and delicious. Lots of recipes out there on the net to try. Have previously done a chocolate and courgette cake- an experience never to be repeated!

In the past I've made courgette chutney using this recipe [I cannot for the life of me remember from whence it came I'm afraid as it's just scribbled down in a notebook]. It's a good 'un but I know we've still got some left so no more for us this year.

Spiced Indian Courgette Chutney

1kg courgettes
2 tbsp salt
2 medium onions
4-5 large garlic cloves
1 red chilli
25g root ginger
100ml oil
2tbsp black mustard seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp ground cumin
1tbsp turmeric
300ml cider vinegar
225g demerara sugar

Chop the courgette into small pieces. Sprinkle over the salt and leave in a colander over a bowl for two hours. Rinse very well and dry in a clean teatowel. Peel onion, garlic, ginger and deseeded chilli. Blitz into a paste. Heat oil. Fry mustard and coriander seeds for 3-4 mins. Add cumin and turmeric and keep shaking the pan to stop the spices burning. Add the onion paste and cook 4-5 mins. Add courgettes, vinegar and sugar. Cook on a simmer for 45 mins then put into sterilised jars.

Finally this has more ideas than you can shake a stick at


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