Tuesday 21 February 2017

Watch The Birdie

Perhaps you need to be of a certain vintage to recognise the phrase "watch the birdie". With the advent of the selfie even "say cheese" might be be gloriously outdated for all I know. Originally photographers used to have bird shaped props with moving wings to hold the attention of the small people who had to sit for interminably long periods. During our reserve trip where we saw the wren we literally did just sit and watch the birdie[s]...patience paid off for in amongst all the blurred ones and feathered backsides Mr GBT took these. Hope you like them.

Female dunnock

Long tailed tit...they don't tarry at the feeders!



  1. Thanks for popping over to see me today. I love the birds and you did v well to capture the woodie. They're usually off the second I breathe here :o). Love the little wren in the other post too.

    1. Thank you. My husband takes the shots.

  2. Gorgeous bird photos. The Mr's got a great eye! x


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