Monday, 19 November 2018

The colour purple.

We had friends over for dinner on Saturday, so we decided to branch out and try a new dessert recipe. This is what we were aiming for with our ginger and blueberry cheesecake.

However, we decided to forgo the martini glasses [that'll be because we don't have any for starters] and make it in a single dish. Then the blueberry jam chose not to play wasn't swirling and twirling for anyone matey......this was our version.

An exact copy I'm sure you'll agree! It was worth the rather startling shade of violet just to see the brief look of surprise pass across our guests' faces as Mr GBT brought it through. Glad to say it tasted lovely and people had seconds. It's certainly the first time I've ever eaten a purple pud and I dare say it won't be my last.



  1. Very close to the picture for sure lol It looks yummy though :)

  2. Lets just say it looks different, there's not many deserts the colour purple but it looks yummy and I would have had seconds too.

    1. As they say "looks aren't everything" eh!


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