Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Down The Lane

There I was innocently trotting down Church Lane in Bury in pursuit of nothing more unusual than a spot of medieval graffiti in the church I had got wind of when I encountered this......

Some of the scariest topiary I've ever seen...look at the size of it for starters. I shared the photo above on my FB page....the jury is still out as to what the biggest creature is ...some say it's a penguin, but I'm with the one eared rabbit with the big bottom option.

Mr GBT gave me a wry look when I came across them, but hand on heart this time I had no idea they were there. Made me's a very well-to-do area so I'd love to know whether the neighbours are horrified or find them amusing!



  1. I think it someone with a sense of humour. I see rabbit, and they can be a nuisance in gardens. People get so cross when their precious plants are nibbled. I get cross with the bantams who eat the pansies and gillyflowers.

    1. I think so too! I thought it was hilarious....just not what I expected in a place which might take itself a little seriously.

  2. My-I think I might have jumped when stumbling across that. I need a good walk this weekend with my camera.

    1. Hope you get out and about. Happy Thanksgiving.


The train of thought

Below you can see TYM chuckling at me because I was so excited to see the delightful metal train and carriages running across the height bar...