Wednesday 28 November 2018

In the shop in the corner....

Hidden away in the National Trust shop at Mottistone Gardens on the Isle of Wight is this rather neglected wallhanging. Aptly titled "Flora and Fauna of the Isle of Wight", this gorgeous piece of work was completed in 1992. Sadly the lady behind the till said that people don't give it a second glance. How? It's magnificent and I'm championing its cause here in my little corner of blogland!

It's inspired me to concentrate my efforts into completing the bird's skull cross stitch I started earlier this year. Some might find the idea gruesome, but I find a haunting beauty in the delicacy of such things. Once it's done [whenever that might be!] I'll pop up a photo.


1 comment:

A grave day

 Tragically Charles Cook died on 20th March 1767 aged only 30. He was killed by a falling tree. Whilst I can't find anything about the m...